Farm Store Hours: Thursdays 2-5pm, Fridays 10-3, & Saturdays 10-1. No appointment needed to come in and shop!
Winter Overstock Sale! See all sale items here.
More beef & pork expected 3/19. More chicken expected 3/31.

How Pickup Points Work

It can seem a little strange to "do groceries" this way, but it's actually a lot like curbside pickup. You'll love how efficient our pickups are! Most folks are back on the road in 5-10 minutes! For this reason, we request that you be prompt to arrive at pickup time. We have other stops scheduled and need to be back on the road, too!

Benefits of Local Pickup

  • Quick and easy!
  • No minimum order.
  • No delivery fees.
  • Predictable selection and no shipping charges.
  • Shake your farmer's hand! 

To Order:


If you prefer not to pay by credit card, we have an alternative solution called the Edible Savings Account, which is a great way to save money on real food. Please note, this option must be set up at least a week before your desired pickup date. 

To Pick Up:

Pickup Schedules

Following are our current pickup locations. Click the link for each to see the schedule and location on a map.

Longview : Third Thursday of each month from 10:15-10:45 in north Longview.

Marshall : Third Thursday of each month at 12:15 just east of 59 on Hwy 80. 

Shreveport : Approximately the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 in south-central Shreveport.

Tyler : First Thursday of each month from 10:15 to 11:00 in central Tyler.

On-Farm in Jefferson : During Farm Store Hours or by appointment--select at checkout.

We make the occasional exception to this schedule due to the way holidays fall, but it works just about year-round! Subscribe to our newsletter for reminders.