Farm Store Hours: Thursdays 2-5pm, Fridays 10-3, & Saturdays 10-1. No appointment needed to come in and shop!
Winter Overstock Sale! See all sale items here.
More beef & pork expected 3/19. More chicken expected 3/31.

Tips for Grilling Grass-fed Steak

Preparing and cooking truly grass-fed steak requires special care. Grass-fed steak is a very different eating experience than its industrially-produced counterpart, as it should be. That's partly how you know you're getting the real deal! Here are some tips to help your experience be delightful.

Embrace a noticeable difference. Grass-fed beef is vastly different than feedlot beef, as it should be! Our cows get exercise and are active and fit throughout their lives, unlike feedlot cows, most of which are technically obese by the time they reach slaughter. Our cattle are also processed at an older age than feedlot animals, imparting more flavor and nutrition, but causing the meat to be more likely to toughen during rapid cooking.

Our steaks require careful and minimal cooking and have a heftier “chew,” which is pleasantly peculiar to grass-fed meats.

A long, slow thaw in the fridge helps enhance tenderness. Move the unopened package from the freezer to a spill-proof container in the fridge for at least 2-3 days prior to cooking.

Salt-based marinades enhance moisture content and reduce graininess.
We like to salt our steaks 2 days ahead of cooking and marinate in the fridge. This is very key in increasing tenderness.

Cook our steaks hot and fast.
Too cool or long a cook time will toughen the meat fibers.

Don’t cook past medium-rare
. Because our cows get exercise, overcooking the meat past medium-rare will cause the proteins to toughen.

Allow to rest after cooking
. Cover will foil for 10 minutes prior to slicing.