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Pearled Barley - Organic by Azure Market (2 lb)

Pearled Barley - Organic by Azure Market (2 lb)

OK, this is a weird one, but it's one of my favorite ingredients in soups and stews. Similar to oatmeal, but with a bite more like wild rice, it requires long-cooking but holds up well in a crockpot or in frozen meals.

Jerica here: I could go on and on about the qualities of pearled barley! I know it's pretty random, but it is a neglected staple of the kitchen. I like adding it to stews because it helps concentrate the flavors of the liquid by soaking up a lot of the water, without having to cook off the water and risk burning your dish (or wasting time!). It works GREAT in a crockpot--much sturdier than rice! Try some in your next stew or soup and you might discover a new favorite grain!

