Farm Store Hours: Thursdays 2-5pm, Fridays 10-3, & Saturdays 10-1. No appointment needed to come in and shop!
Spring events now posted!! See Tours and Classes here.
Our website is experiencing issues with adding a new credit card. Please call if you need assistance completing checkout: 903-665-7076

Eggs: Beginner-friendly

Rotated to new pasture twice weekly. Hens are truly outdoors on living vegetation and never fed GMOs, soy, antibiotics, arsenic, or dyes. We hear comments all the time about how different (in a wonderful way!) our eggs are from store-bought. Be careful trying them because after one taste, you may never be able to go back!

Eggs have a remarkable shelf life and can store well for several months. We suggest keeping them in the refrigerator for best quality.

**Our delicious eggs are only available for in-person pickup and will not be visible if you are logged in under UPS Shipping.**

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