Farm Store Hours: Thursdays 2-5pm, Fridays 10-3, & Saturdays 10-1. No appointment needed to come in and shop!
Spring events now posted!! See Tours and Classes here.
Our website is experiencing issues with adding a new credit card. Please call if you need assistance completing checkout: 903-665-7076

Canned, Dried, & Frozen Produce: Beginner-friendly

Though fresh fruits and veggies are highly valuable and delicious, it's nice to have some preserved options on hand for between shopping trips.

Looking for fresh produce? It has its very own collection here.

**Our delicious produce is only available for in-person pickup and will not be visible if you are logged in under UPS Shipping.**

Bread & Butter Pickle Chips - Bubbies (33 fl. oz)

These are so delicious! A lovely crisp addition to a cold lunch or a grass-fed burger.