Here you'll find our current selection of all-things-real-food, which are currently in stock or expected back very soon. For bulk deals, special pre-ordering opportunities, and other specials, use the navigation menu.
Fresh and locally-roasted ground coffee. Just as with our meats and eggs, this coffee is nothing like supermarket brands--so much better!
Fresh and locally-roasted ground coffee. Just as with our meats and eggs, this coffee is nothing like supermarket brands--so much better!
Fresh and locally-roasted whole bean coffee. Just as with our meats and eggs, this coffee is nothing like supermarket brands--so much better!
Fresh and locally-roasted ground coffee. Just as with our meats and eggs, this coffee is nothing like supermarket brands--so much better!
Fresh and locally-roasted ground coffee. Just as with our meats and eggs, this coffee is nothing like supermarket brands--so much better! Swiss water decaf.