Here you'll find our current selection of all-things-real-food, which are currently in stock or expected back very soon. For bulk deals, special pre-ordering opportunities, and other specials, use the navigation menu.
New! Organic cabbage! Great for sauteing, home fermenting, and homemade cole slaw. Est. 3-6 lb each. Choose desired quantity of heads.
A handy long-shelf-life veggie to keep around--add carrots to stir-fry, soups & stews, or just roast 'em with butter or lard!
A handy long-shelf-life veggie to keep around--add carrots to stir-fry, soups & stews, or just roast 'em with butter or lard! Order desired pounds.
Easy to peel and super sweet clementine mandarins are the perfect snack! Approximately 3 mandarins per lb. This batch is a little ugly, but extremely tasty!
Nice, big! yellow onions organically grown in the USA. Order number pounds desired.